Frequently Asked Questions


Where do you ships your products from?

  • We ship from our partnered warehouses, factories, and dispatch centers located throughout the United States, Europe, Australia, and China. Please note: If you order more than one item, please expect your items to be shipped separately. This is not uncommon as our warehouses and dispatch centers can often utilize different processing and fulfillment methods.

How long will it take for my order to arrive?

  • Shipping times vary by customer location, peak times, and product shipping location; however, orders typically arrive within 5-14 business days. As soon as your order has been processed and left our fulfillment center, we will send you a confirmation email that includes all delivery information. In the uncommon event your order is severely delayed, we will immediately notify you to discuss your options. Please note: your delivery is also trackable. 

How long after my order is placed will it be shipped?

  • Orders are processed and shipped within 3 business days, although during high demand times (holidays) items may ship within 5 business days.

Where is your company located?

  • Our brand headquarters is located in Los Angeles, while our various warehouses and dispatch centers are located across the United States, Europe, Australia, and China.

Will I receive a confirmation number after I place my order?

  • Yes, all customers will automatically receive a confirmation number to the email they provide during checkout.

How can I pay?

  • We accept all major credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, Discover; and PayPal.